Study Abroad in Austria
The study abroad program in Austria is supported by School of World Studies faculty and offers credits in World Studies (WRLD) and German (GRMN).
Vienna, Austria: Language and Culture
The School of World Studies and the Global Education Office at Virginia Commonwealth University as well as the Universität Wien Sprachenzentrum (University of Vienna Language Center) are pleased to offer an intensive German language and Austrian cultural immersion opportunity in the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria. German language and culture courses will be offered in an intensive four-week program in the heart of one of Europe’s most enchanting and historic cities. A weekend Alpine excursion led by the program director, as well as several day trips, cultural tours and a variety of cultural exploration activities, will be included.
Course Description
This course will be taught as a hybrid course offered through the School of World Studies. The course will begin prior to the study abroad program departure date, continue during the month abroad and culminate after the students' return. Students will delve into Austrian and particularly Viennese history and culture to gain a more in-depth understanding of the host culture prior to departure. Students will be responsible for assigned readings, films and documentaries, discussions and also conduct pre-departure research on modern Viennese culture. Students will present their findings to the group pre-departure. Students will be required to create an electronic journal (blog) where they will document, process and reflect upon the entirety of the study abroad experience, from pre-departure through each stage of immersion to reentry into Richmond life. The blog assignments during the month in Vienna will focus on each stage of the abroad experience (initial arrival, culture shock, more in-depth cultural comparisons, required cultural excursions and activities based on individual student interests and their pre-departure research topics, and preparing to reenter American culture). Course requirements will also include post-return in-depth reflective components.
German Language Courses
All participants will enroll in one German course, depending on prior skill level. The German courses will be offered through the Universität Wien Sprachenzentrum. Founded in 1365, the Universität Wien is the oldest university in the German-speaking world and one of the largest Central European universities.
Credit Options
- WRLD 391 Why Vienna?
- Uni Wien A1.1 transfers as VCU GRMN 101 (3 transfer credits)
- Uni Wien A1.2 transfers as VCU GRMN 102 (3 transfer credits)
- Uni Wien A2.1 transfers as VCU GRMN 201 (3 transfer credits)
- Uni Wien A2.2 transfers as VCU GRMN 202 (3 transfer credits)
- Uni Wien B1.1 transfers as VCU GRMN 300 (3 transfer credits)
- Uni Wien B1.2 transfers as VCU GRMN 305 (3 transfer credits)
- Uni Wien B2 transfers as VCU GRMN 3xx (3 transfer credits)
- Uni Wien C1 - C2 transfers as VCU GRMN 4xx (3 transfer credits)
For more information and to apply, please visit the Global Education Office website.